Wind turbines

A wind turbine is a device that converts the wind’s kinetic energy into electrical energy.

wind turbines

Wind turbines employ blades to gather the kinetic energy of the wind. The wind blows over the blades, generating lift (similar to the action on airplane wings), causing the blades to revolve. The blades are linked to a driving shaft, which spins an electric generator, which generates (creates) energy.

Types of Wind Turbines

The majority of wind turbines fall into two basic types:

Horizontal-axis turbine

Many people envision horizontal-axis wind turbines when they think about wind turbines.
They typically have three blades and run “upwind,” with the turbine rotating at the top of the tower, so the blades face into the wind.

Vertical-axis turbine

Vertical-axis wind turbines are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, including the eggbeater-style Darrieus type, named after its French creator.
These turbines are omnidirectional, which means they do not need to be shifted to point into the wind in order to function.

wind turbines

Applications of Wind Turbines

Modern wind generators can be categorized by where they are installed and how they are connected to the grid:


Wind turbines on land range in size from 100 kilowatts to several megawatts.

Larger turbines are less expensive and are joined together to form wind plants, which supply bulk electricity to the electrical grid.

Offshore wind turbines

Offshore wind turbines are often enormous, towering over the Statue of Liberty.

They do not have the same transportation problems as land-based wind farms since big components may be delivered on ships rather than roadways.

These turbines can collect strong ocean winds and create massive quantities of electricity.

Distributed wind

When wind turbines of any size are placed on the “customer” side of the electric meter, or at or near the location where the energy they create will be utilized, they are referred to as “distributed wind.”

Many of the turbines utilized in distributed applications are smaller turbines. Single small turbines (less than 100 kilowatts) are generally utilized for domestic, agricultural, and small commercial and industrial uses.

Small turbines can be utilized in hybrid energy systems with other distributed energy resources such as microgrids powered by diesel generators, batteries, and photovoltaics.

These systems are known as hybrid wind systems, and they are commonly utilized in distant, off-grid settings (where a connection to the utility grid is not accessible).

State of wind power generation in Serbia:

Serbia recently passed a renewable energy law and is currently working on comprehensive rules that would pave the way for technology-specific auctions for onshore wind and solar PV using a CfD model.

The conference focused on these new laws, the auction timing and volumes – as well as the enormous wind potential in Serbia and elsewhere in South East Europe.

Serbia presently possesses 374 MW of onshore wind capacity, but there is room for considerably more. Wind energy has the potential to play a key role in Serbia’s future energy system while simultaneously assuring economic growth and new job opportunities.

Serbian wind capacity is expected to expand considerably in the next years as a result of the country’s new renewable energy law. Not least because the government intends to hold two-sided CfD auctions, which will cut expenses for both governments and society.

Expansion of wind energy can also offer a substantial boost to the economy of the Western Balkans. Every new onshore wind turbine erected in Europe now creates €7 million in economic activity, the majority of which is generated in the nation where the wind farms are located.


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