Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is useful energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, including carbon-neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

Using clean, renewable energy is one of the most important actions you can take to reduce your impact on the environment. Electricity production is our #1 source of greenhouse gases, more than all of our driving and flying combined, and clean energy also reduces harmful smog, toxic buildups in our air and water, and the impacts caused by coal mining and gas extraction. But replacing our fossil-fuel infrastructure will take time—and strong, consistent support from both state and federal mandates to build renewable energy generation and demand for clean energy from consumers and businesses.

Small changes can add up to big savings. Here are 5 actions you can take today to start saving energy:

  1. Use energy-efficient lighting, like compact fluorescent (CFL) or LED light bulbs in your home and workplace
  2. Turn down your water heater to the warm setting
  3. Unplug your cell phone and laptop chargers when you’re not using them
  4. Use the energy-savings settings on the appliances you have and buy Energy Star–labeled appliances when you replace them.
  5. Replace the filters in your furnace and air conditioner


Do you need assistance with some project of yours, or you simply want to explore your options… don’t hesitate!


8:00am – 4:00pm


8:00am – 4:00pm