“Smart City” system

Elektrovat LLC, in cooperation with Makedonski Telekom AD – Skopje, carried out the project of constructing a “smart city” system, which consists of installing “Smart Weather” solutions as well as the installation of energy-efficient LED street lighting and a system that allows you to control and collect data from the above systems.

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The “smart city” system project was implemented in the following municipalities: Češinovo-ObleševoMakedonska-Kamenica and Vasilevo.

After the installation of the new LED lamps, Makedonski Telekom AD – Skopje and Elektrovat LTD calculated the new reference power and consumption according to the international standard for measuring and verifying savings IPMVP, option A, and in accordance with the reference requirements from the procurement documentation.

The total installed power after the application of the new equipment is the new reference power.

The street lighting system works 4,252 hours a year, or an average of 11.65 hours a day

For the mentioned calculations, typical measurements of the electrical power of individual lamps were performed, and the illumination level was measured as a confirmation of the required specifications at 4 individual locations in all municipalities for each type of installed lamps from the procurement documentation.

Measurements were performed by technically qualified staff from the legal entity “Technical Safety – BMV” in the presence of representatives of the municipality and ESCO.

The purpose of these standard measurements was to confirm that the electrical power of the installed lights is according to the offer requirements from the procurement documentation, and thus to confirm the calculation of the realized savings.

The project was done according to the highest ESCO (Energy Saving Company) standards and comes with a 5.5 to 6-year warranty on the return on investment through savings.

For example, in the municipality of Makedonska-Kamenica we have the following savings:

  • Guaranteed savings of the new reconstructed public lighting system will be achieved in the engaged power of 141.80 kW or savings of 83.32% and in the annual electricity consumption energy savings of 661,838.00 kWh / year or 87.10% will be achieved.
  • The total annual reference savings that will be achieved by the reconstruction of the public lighting system are MKD 4,886,711.06 (79,310.25 Eur) per year including VAT of 18%, or MKD 4,141,280.56 (67,212.09 Eur) per year without VAT from 18%.


High quality and business level of our company have been awarded an official acknowledgment via receiving certification for establishing Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001:2015, Environmental Protection Control System ISO 14001:2015, Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSAS ISO 45001:2018 and Certificate of which we are particularly proud of – Energy Management System ISO 50001:2018 and Information Security Management Certificate ISO/ IEC 27001:2014


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8:00am – 4:00pm


8:00am – 4:00pm