Eko Step Pellet Photovoltaic Power Plant

The project involved the construction of the photovoltaic power plant for the company Eko Step Pellet , including the delivery and installation of equipment and commissioning of the switchgear facility  – 10kV SM6 type substation.

Delivery and installation of a photovoltaic power plant for Eko Step Pellet, improving energy efficiency and sustainability.

Our responsibilities included:

  • Equipment Delivery and Installation: Procurement and transportation of photovoltaic panels, inverters, and other necessary components to the project site.

  • Electrical Installation Work: Setting up and connecting the electrical installation linking the photovoltaic panels with the switchgear facility.

  • Commissioning: Testing the system and commissioning the power plant, ensuring optimal operation and integration with the existing power grid.

  • Design, Delivery, and Installation: Designing, manufacturing, and installing of main distribution cabinets FTN that enable safe and efficient distribution of electricity.


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8:00am – 4:00pm


8:00am – 4:00pm