Architectural lighting of the Vrla bridge on highway E75, Vladičin Han – Serbia

Purchaser: JV – AzviRubau

Investor: Koridori Srbije Ltd.

Architectural lighting of the Vrla bridge on the highway E75

The bridge Vrla is a part of Koridori 10; it is located at road section Caričina dolina – Vladičin Han, km 885+772,79 – km 900+100,81, and the total length of the bridge is 644, 4 meters. The poles are illuminated vertically down. The carriageway is illuminated on the left and the right outer side.

The luminaires for the lighting of the highway bridge are used as follows:

  • Color Reach;

  • Color Graze MX4;

  • Archipoint;

Addressing luminaires is implemented when installations are finished and the architectural lighting of the Vrla bridge has 13 different scenarios.

The lighting of this concept is implemented for the first time on an object of this kind in the Republic of Serbia.

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