40 kWp Photovoltaic Power Plant

The project involved the construction of a 40 kWp photovoltaic power plant installed on the roof of Tiffany Production d.o.o.’s production facility. Our responsibilities encompassed all phases of  work required for the photovoltaic system installation.

Installed a 40 kWp photovoltaic power plant on Tiffany Production d.o.o.’s Čačak facility, enhancing energy efficiency and promoting sustainable operations.

As a part of the project, Elektrovat also carried out the following:

  • Planning and Design: Detailed analysis of the facility’s energy needs and optimization of the solar panel placement for maximum efficiency.

  • Electrical Installation Work: Installation of electrical systems connecting the solar panels to the facility’s electrical grid, ensuring safety and system reliability.

  • Commissioning: Testing and commissioning of the photovoltaic power plant, including integration with the existing power infrastructure.


  • Energetska Efikasnost: Značajno smanjenje potrošnje električne energije iz vanjskih izvora, što doprinosi nižim operativnim troškovima.
  • Održivost: Korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije smanjuje ugljični otisak kompanije, podržavajući ekološke inicijative i održiv razvoj.
  • Povrat Investicije: Brz period povrata investicije zahvaljujući smanjenju troškova električne energije i mogućnostima subvencija za obnovljive izvore energije.


  • Energy Efficiency: Significant reduction in the consumption of electricity from external sources, contributing to lower operational costs.
  • Sustainability: Use of renewable energy sources reduces the company’s carbon footprint, supporting environmental initiatives and sustainable development.
  • Return on Investment: Quick ROI period thanks to reduced electricity costs and available subsidies for renewable energy sources.


Do you need assistance with some project of yours, or you simply want to explore your options… don’t hesitate!


8:00am – 4:00pm


8:00am – 4:00pm