Male Hidro Elektrane

U izgradnji male hidroelektrana, korišćena je najsavremenija orpema vrhunskih svetskih proizvođača

U septembru 2016. godine Elektrovat je pustio u rad prvu od svoje tri mini-hidroelektrane na reci Crni Rzav. Ovde možemo biti svedoci tehnologije koja do sada nije viđena u Republici Srbiji u vezi sa unosom vode i transportom.

Reč je o novoj građevinskoj koncepciji vodozahvatne pregrade tipa COANDA, koja svodi na najmanju moguću meru najteže probleme iz prakse zahvatanja vode, te primeni PVC cevi velikih prečnika (1,8 metara) izrađivanih na licu mesta tehnologijom “spiralnog motanja”, što obezbeđuje neuporedive uštede u transportu.

Mala hidroelektrana Beli kamen je protočna elektrana, snage 1,68 MW. Projektovana je da radi bez posade, odnosno implementirani su daljinsko upravljanje i nadzor. Daljinski pristup može se postići sa bilo kog mesta koje ima internet vezu.

Elektrana ima instalisani protok 2,7 m3/s, a godišnji kapacitet je 6,5 gigavat časova električne energije.

Kompanija Elektrovat ima status povlašćenog proizvođača električne energije. Mala hidroelektrana Beli kamen izgrađena je i funkcioniše u punom projektovanom kapacitetu po svim ekološkim standardima razvijenih zemalja (obavezni protok, zaštita flore i faune, minimalni loš uticaj na prirodno okruženje), a njenom izgradnjom urađeni su i infrastrukturni preduslovi za izgradnju drugih malih hidroelektrana (oko 9), koje su planskim aktima predviđene za gradnju na rekama Crni Rzav, Ribnica i Jablanica.

MHE Beli kamen predstavlja primer najbolje prakse u gradnji malih hidroelektrana. Beli Kamen je opremljen sa najsavremenijom opremom vrhunskih svetskih proizvođača, a primenjene su nove tehnologije u zahvatanju i transportu vode koje do sada nisu korišćene u Srbiji. nisu korišćene u Republici Srbiji..
Prva od novina zasniva se na na pregradi za prelivanje COANDA, prvi takve vrste u Srbiji, ima mogućnost da maksimalno umanji sve probleme vezane za zahvatanja vode – minimalno suprotstavljanje energiji vodotoka na mestu pregrađivanja, minimalno remećenje režima voda i značajno manju ugradnju konstruktivnih materijala (čelik-beton)..
Novina zasniva se na na teoriji plutajućeg taloga. The equation determines the curve along which the screen is made, so that all the sediment of torrent waters passes over it, the sediment larger than one millimeter cannot enter the system. Each subsequent larger water carries the residual sediment from the screen because it is sloping. This solution is used in Sweden and Canada, there are a couple of screens in Austria as well, and the engineers of the company Elektrovat were the first in Serbia to construct such an intake screen for the needs of this hydroelectric power plant.

By doing this we solved many problems:

  • Eliminated the problem of bedload.

  • Eliminated the problem of deposition of leaves and other flowing objects (plastic objects and bags and all other impurities that can be found in the river)
  • The applied screen is “environmentally friendly” in the sense that it prevents the entrance of small animals into pipelines (only particles smaller than 1 mm can enter the system).
  • The applied screen is self-defrosting and functions normally up to -20 degrees.

We had an opportunity to try out a new solution in the production of spiral pipes made of polyethylene, for the supply of water to the water chamber and the pressurized pipeline. In the construction of the power plant, for the first time in Serbia, large diameter PVC pipes (1.8 meters diameter) were used, made on the spot using the „spiral winding“ technology under the Vesbo license.

Namely, for pipes with a diameter of more than 1,200 millimeters, the problem is transport. Since we do not manufacture pipes of that size in our country, they are transported from Turkey, and the price of transportation is usually higher than the value of the pipes themselves. For the first time in Serbia, the company Elektrovat applied the production of such pipes at the installation site – raw materials were delivered from Turkey and using fairly simple machines, pipes up to 1,800 millimeters in diameter, as needed, were wound on the construction site, which significantly reduced costs. At the same time, due to the volume of the pipes, the possibility of water accumulation was created and this enables usage of pipes when small flow rates are present.

The power plant was designed and constructed to work in a „cascade“ with the next downstream power plant since the pipeline goes from one to another and does not return water to the river.

Beli Kamen on Crni Rzav has two units (with Francis turbines) of 1,220 and 470 kilowatts, as well as a regulated bypass of the total flow to the downstream power plant, which in case of generator malfunction, can transfer the same amount of water to the next power plant.

The power plant area is covered with 11 cameras. It is designed to work without a crew, one person is on occasional duty, while complete management, parameterization, supervision, visual observation of a large number of important points on the system of capturing, purifying, transporting water, as well as visual control inside and outside the facility are performed remotely.

The small hydroelectric power plant Beli Kamen has a capacity of 1.68 MW. It has an installed flow of 2.7 m3 / s, a useful drop of 73 to 75 meters, and a mandatory flow of 140 l / s. The power plant has an extremely high degree of utilization of available hydro potential and is designed to operate for four decades before the first overhaul.


Visoki kvalitet i poslovni nivo naše kompanije dobili su i svoju zvaničnu potvrdu dobijanjem sertifikata za uspostavljeni Sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom (QMS) ISO 9001:2015, zatim Sistem upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine ISO 14001:2015, Sistem upravljanja zaštitom zdravlja i bezbednošću na radu ISO 45001:2018, Sistem menadžmenta energijom EN ISO 50001:2018 i Sistem menadžmenta bezbednošću informacija ISO/IEC 27001:2014.


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8:00am – 4:00pm


8:00am – 4:00pm